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The Philosophy of Winners

The Winner is always a part of the answer
-The Loser is always a part of the problem

The Winner always has a program
-The Loser always has an excuse

The Winner says: Let me do it for you
-The Loser says: That’s not my job

The Winner sets an answer for every problem
-The Loser sees a problem in every answer

The Winner says: It may be difficult - but it is possible
-The Loser says: It may be possible - but it is too difficult

Ho-Yu, USA, March 1985

5 cool ideas for meeting your goals

1. Study your desired goal for one hour a day. There’s no shortage of books, white papers, magazine articles, podcasts, YouTube videos, etc. Within a few months, you’ll be an expert. Achieving your goal will be much easier when you actually know what you’re doing.

2. Get in better physical shape. Even if your goal has nothing to do with athletic performance, you’ll gain increased energy, better stamina, and more confidence.

3. Network like crazy. Associate with others who are connected to your goal. Seek out people who share your goal, ideally people who have already achieved something similar. Connecting with these folks will almost guarantee more opportunities and a faster learning curve.

4. Approach your goal differently. History tends to remember people who take the road less traveled.

5. Work toward small victories. Keep your eyes on the big prize, but be ready to celebrate small victories.

Thanks to Michael Caruso ......

Letzte Änderung am Freitag, 3. Januar 2025 um 18:18:01 Uhr.

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